Columbia Kermit
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From: jaltman@watsun.cc.columbia.edu (Jeffrey Altman)
Newsgroups: comp.protocols.kermit.misc
Subject: Re: This is interesting ...
Date: 25 Sep 1998 03:30:57 GMT
Organization: Columbia University
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In article <6uent8$9d5$1@ash.prod.itd.earthlink.net>,
Mr. Scott <montgomery@starfleet.org> wrote:
: But the modem in question is NOT a dial-in modem! It is a dial-out modem.
: Remember, I was dialing OUT on the modem when kermit printed the "+++" which
: disconnected my Windows 95 modem.
: Go back to the original post.
: 1. From a Windows 95 computer I establish a DUN connection with a remote
: network.
: 2. I telnet to a Unix machine.
: 3. I start up kermit using one of the Unix modems.
: 4. I dial OUT.
: 5. The +++ displayed by kermit disconnects MY PERSONAL WINDOWS 95 modem.
The Windows modem is hanging up because the modem it is talking to was
disconnected by the "+++". Your Win95 modem will not respond to the
escape sequence. The "dial in" modem that I am referring to is the
one that is attached to the PPP server.
Now if you were to turn on PPP Compression or encryption your problem
would go away because the "+++" would be altered to be a shorter sequence
representing 3 of the "+" character.
Jeffrey Altman * Sr.Software Designer * Kermit-95 for Win32 and OS/2
The Kermit Project * Columbia University
612 West 115th St #716 * New York, NY * 10025
http://www.kermit-project.org/k95.html * kermit-support@kermit-project.org